Our Products

Stock Trading Platform

Provide access to an online trading platform where users can buy and sell US stocks.

Stock Screener

A customizable tool that helps users filter stocks based on criteria such as price, volume, P/E ratio, dividend yield, and more.

Investment Education & Courses

Access to online courses covering stock trading basics, advanced strategies, and technical analysis.

Portfolio Management Toolss

Tools for managing and analyzing personal stock portfolios.

Features to track returns, performance, diversification, and more.

API Access for Automated Trading

Provide APIs for developers to build their own trading strategies or integrate with other platforms

Stock Alerts & Notifications

Real-time alerts for price changes, earnings reports, and other important market events.

Stock & ETF Watchlists

A customizable feature for users to track their favorite stocks and ETFs.

Social Trading / Community Forum

Feature a platform where users can interact, share trading strategies, and discuss market news